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 • Project "CURUPIRA" - Recreation of the Rainforest:

- A Project that is developed and Sustained By means of the Recreation of the Rainforest.

The current proposal of work presented by the FEEMPI – (Federation of the Entities MPE’S, SIMPI – Syndicate of Micro and Small Industries of the State of Rondônia and AMPERON – Association of the Micro and Small Businesses of Rondônia, have by way of their overall objective, to contribute to the environmental-social development of the Amazonian communities, especially those within the State of Rondonia, to the point of promoting on the basis of financial development and manageable economies, that are socially just and ecologically sustainable.

Implement a pilot project transforming cattle pasture areas into areas that become economically productive with reusable native plants such as legal wood species for future resale, promoting a capital income through the international market.

a) Implement a pilot project transforming cattle pasture areas into areas that become economically productive with reusable native plants such as legal wood species for future resale, promoting a capital income through the international market;
b) Increment, with those associated, the plantation of fruitful trees which will render an export of fruits creating a means of support for the producers involved with the project in short term and long term objective goals. Creating a consistent financial flow of anticipated sales. Guaranteeing the anticipated sale of the products.

The worldwide concern in relation to the future of our planet in relation to global warming and the future threats to humanity, drives us to abandon the state of alarm and implement measures that can really modify the current status quo of production and contribute to a new economical model where environmental sustainability and social justice become the pillars of development of our society. Within this context, as institutions of micro and small businesses, we believe that giving, along with our partners, a portion of your contribution through this project, showing a new formula of allies sustaining the income revenue along with the environmental preservation.

5. AIMS:
*Beneficiate small rural producers with the possibility to obtain the best family income possible. (Monthly income - regular harvest);
*Planting legal wood, native to the region combating the deforestation process;
* Gradually Substitute areas that are deforested for livestock production for areas of productive foresting (for harvest);
* The sale of the resultant product to investors in the national and international market that use or make use of wood and derivatives of wood (future market);

* Small rural producers that have areas of at least 100 hectares;
* Micro and Small industries that deal with wood and lumber;

Project of development Jardim das Acácias in Porto Velho – Candeias of Jamari implementation;
Total area to be planted 200 hectares;


Per Module de 5 ha

• Seedlings and Planting:
This job will be done by field specialists (Forest Engineers and Agronomists) along with the associated producers the Coops of the Producers..

• Technical Body / Field Work - The Team is made up of the following:
01 Forest Engineer;
02 Agronomists;
05 Agricultural Technicians;

• Technical Body – Economical / Financial:
Formatting the system that will be implemented in relation to financial administration and commercial administration of future sales – organizing concentrated meetings to promote awareness to the cooperatives and their families (183 people).

• The Team is made up of the following:
01 Economist with a Doctorate in Social Environmental Development;
01 Apprentice in Economy;
01 Apprentice in informational Systems;

• Seminars and Special Meetings:
Seminars and special meetings on specialized subjects with the technicians from other States and sending technicians to other Locations and Centers, as well as organizing major seminars with all associates in Porto Velho, in order to debate and elaborate projects and the adherence of new projects involving up to 150 people.

• Support Team - Support to the technical and financial administration Services:
01 – Clerk, Typist, Data Entry;
01 – Attendee;

IC – Instituto Curupira;
FEEMPI - Federação das Micro e Pequenas Empresas de Rondônia;
SIMPI – Sindicato da Micro e Pequena Industria do Estado Rondônia;
AMPERON – Associação de Micro e Pequenas Empresas de Rondônia;
EMATER – Associação de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural de Rondônia ;
IBAMA – Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis;
Amazon Business Internacional ;
Telecentro de Informações e Negócios;
CAN - Centro Avançados de Negócios/Tin;
SEBRAE – Serviço de Apoio a Micro e Pequena Empresa;

 • Projeto "CURUPIRA" - Project Highlights:

I – Plant trees for future lumber resale;
II – Recreate and recuperate the forest areas that are presently being used as pasture and hay fields;
III – Give small farmers a fixed monthly income and retirement, improving their way of life, something that they do not presently have and what the government does not offer;
IV– Minimize the negative environmental impact resultant in lumber extraction;

• Those who will be Beneficiated – Small farmers associated with the coop associations, who follow the action of producing and selling wood/lumber, becoming a small agro industry.
Note: The plantation of trees will be consorted with cocoa or seedless cupuaçu and small animals, this production pertaining to the farmer.
• Related to the investment – The investor pays the land owner $50.00usd per hectare a month for 23 years. 50% of the lumber will be given to the land owner in addition to the monthly payment.
• Financial:
The type of trees to be planted – Brazil Nut Trees (Bertholletia excelsa H.B.K) and TECA Trees;
Plantation – an average of 680 trees per hectare;
Consorted – Cocoa or Seedless Cupuaçu and small animals;

• Specs Table / Financial Projection:
all monetary values calculated in US Dollars
all units of measurement calculated in meters

Table Economic / Financial Designed.

• The Why (purpose):

A) Amazonia is not a place for raising cattle, planting coffe or soy. The region is naturally ideal for trees which have an international demand and have excellent prices.
B) Whatever investment made in Amazonia (cattle, vegetables, coffee, etc...) will never produce the same amount of profit that lumber will.
C) The moment is appropriate since the world is alarmed with global warming.